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The Glow-ups (and Downs); A Biblical Journey

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

Hello everyone!

I'm back, and this time I'm bringing you something a little different!

Before I go any further, I'd like to thank everyone who enjoyed my "Bruh Moment" posts. The love I received from them meant so much to me, and I am grateful to you all.

I wanted to make the third part, but I thought that this would intrigue you more, I do hope that you’ll all enjoy this as much as you enjoyed my previous posts.

Now, let’s get started, shall we?

1. David; From King to Wife Snatcher (2 Samuel 11, 12; 1 Kings 1, 2)

David was that shepherd teenager who brought giants to their knees.

What was I doing with my life at age 17?

In any case, David was quite the icon. From fleeing Saul's grips to succeeding him as King of Israel. What more could you ask for?

Well, it didn’t look like he was satisfied with the title as a King. Instead, a woman named Bathsheba clouded his sense of reasoning.

No, I need to understand what is going with some of these men in the bible that lost focus! Did Solomon and Samson follow in his footsteps or what?

Anyway, he saw woman (Bathsheba, by the way) and thought; “Yeah, she fine. Imma just get her myself.”

If some of you remember this part of the story really well, she had a husband, Uriah the Hittite.

But did that stop him? Absolutely not!

In fact, he decided to take him out of the picture.


It’s crazy how this bright vigilant boy of yesterday became a murderer, for woman.

But he had to pay the price for that act, which was why God took their first son away from them.

God forgave him in the end by giving them a second child, who later became the next King; Solomon.

But, if you ask me, that was a bit of a glow-down on his part.

2. Joseph; From Slave to Prime Minister (Genesis 41:41)

Oh yes, our favorite dreamer.

The one that was heavily hated on by his siblings due to some jealousy issues.

That’s how they wanted to eat him raw because Jacob bought him one fine robe.

I mean, it’s normal for siblings to dislike each other from time to time, it’s normal bants. But to dislike them to the point of selling them to some Egyptians?

That’s heavy.

I don’t want to say that he had “jazz” but the way he quickly entered Potiphar, ’s good book was just…

But Potiphar wasn’t the only one that was interested in him.

He must have been an attractive man because Potipher’s wife entered the chat as well.

I can imagine how beautiful she was, but Joseph refused to look at her side. She even grabbed him by his garment and demanded special attention.

Like, babe, it's not by force.

But Joseph never disappoints!

I can imagine him telling her, “Lady, heaven is the goal.”

As we have it, she really framed the poor guy, which led him to prison.

When we all thought that he was done for in prison, he even became the right-hand man of the warden.

Talk about grace.

Anyway! Not only was he our favorite dreamer, but he was also an interpreter. From interpreting the dreams of prisoners to interpreting the dreams of King Pharoah himself. Because of that, he earned a position beside the king as his Viceroy in controlling the seven-year famine.

Just look at this; From a slave, to head of Potipher’s estate, to the king’s right-hand man.

What more glow-up do you need?

3. Daniel; The Lion's King (Daniel 6: 22)

Well, Joseph wasn’t the only one interpreting dreams for Kings.

Daniel, being a mere student like the other intelligent men, quickly began God’s servant, forever devoted to His Love and His ways.

As God’s servant, he went through challenges that tested his faith, where one of them was a 30-day decree that forbade anyone from worshipping anyone other than their King, Darius (the ruler of Babylon at that time), else you’ll be thrown into the lion’s den.

Daniel didn’t even shake from that rule. He went home, knelt down, faced Jerusalem, and prayed to God.

Like. A. Boss.

That’s how the government officials caught him and threw him to the lion’s den, as part of their schemes to remove him from office. King Darius tried to help, but even he couldn’t remove the law that was already in place.

Imagine a whole King not eating or sleeping all day and night because he’s worried that you’ll get eaten before the next day.

Maybe I need a King Darius in my life too.

Anyway! Darius quickly checked the den the next day, only for him to see Daniel alive and well.

As for the ones that decided to touch God’s anointed? Well, let’s just say that the lions had a good meal that day.

Now, imagine a whole king putting a new law that states that you should fear the God of Daniel.

Isn’t that a flex?

A few people also decided to follow in his footsteps in entering the lion’s den, like that one pastor back in 1991. His name was also Daniel.

See as he had fans even after all those years.

A glow-up, I tell you.

4. Paul: From Prosecutor to Preacher (Acts 9:1-19)

Unlike most people in the bible, he didn’t start in the area of Christianity.

In fact, it was the complete opposite.

I like this story because he was initially most Christians’ enemy at that point in time; from cornering them to throwing them in prisons for their faith. I mean, he was even there when Stephen was stoned (Acts 6:8-15)

But that all came to an end when he had an encounter with God on his way to Damascus to gather more Christians to capture.

He was instructed to go see Ananias, who had already been informed of his arrival beforehand. Ananias was instructed to heal him from the temporary blindness he had from the encounter with God.

He was told to go visit Ananias, who had been informed of his arrival. Ananias was told to heal him of the temporary blindness caused by his encounter with God.

From that point forward, everything changed.

He began preaching the gospel to others, which surprised both Christians and Jews because he had a reputation for capturing Christians.

Not only did he spread the word of God, but he also made huge contributions to the new testaments; His letters to the Romans, the first letter to the corinthians on issues that arose in the new Christian community, and a second letter which was a response to the first, letters to Galatians, Ephesians and many more!

There were other encounters he had as a Christian, but this was an amazing transition, in my opinion.

Despite all of his wrongdoings and attacks on Christians, God picked him to be His instrument of faith.

From a prosecutor to a preacher.

Now that’s a glow-up.

But really, let’s be serious for a second.

Despite these ups and downs, God continued to exalt them throughout their religious journey. All of these examples demonstrate that, despite the trials and tribulations, He still raises us on His shoulders.

That's not something you see every day!

Before I leave, I'd like to drop a little something to make your day;

If you know any other bible characters with glow-ups, and down, please share in the comments down below.

God bless!

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Feb 04, 2022

These are very creative and interesting stories. This is a talent that will go places.


Feb 04, 2022

This is a Good write up😁


Joy Okoro
Joy Okoro
Feb 04, 2022



Feb 04, 2022

I don't know how but the stories get better with each installment


Joy Okoro
Joy Okoro
Feb 04, 2022

Beautifulllll I loved the YouTube video at the end, 😂😂😂 especially the part where the jellyfish carried

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