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The 'Bruh' Moment; A Biblical Adventure Pt II

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

Guess who's back with another episode of the "Bruh" moment?

I really can't let this go! There's just something about the stories in the bible that makes me utterly speechless.

Like, how is this explainable? How did that happen?

Just, how?

There's one story that makes me drop those questions above, and it's one of my personal favorites;

Jonah; That One Being that Challenged God (2 King 14:25)

We all know this story of Jonah, the man that God summoned to go preach to Nineveh in order to pave way for repentance. Jonah refused to carry out that responsibility, knowing that they would be forgiven if he did.

Instead, he decided to go to Joppa to get a boat so that he can escape from God.

The thought of him escaping from God isn't the thing that is scratching my brain, it's the means of transportation that he chose to escape with.

But think about it. How exactly do you plan on escaping from a Higher Being that can literally see all things?

Better question; Why a boat?

Well, it was no surprise when God decided to teach him a lesson by causing a storm that forced the passengers to toss him off the boat. I really love how they respected themselves when they saw that it was between him and God. Classic! As if there wasn't enough, He sent a fish to swallow him up. It's still a mystery as to how he survived in that belly for three days, but it was enough for him to carry out the instruction, thus, leading to the repentance of Nineveh. But this man though; blatantly refusing to obey God, getting swallowed by a fish, stayed in a belly for three days? That's definitely something you don't see every day.

Now, to our next story;

Samson and Delilah; The Consequence of Losing Guard (Judges 16)

He was Israel’s Hercules.

I mean, my man disrespectfully destroyed the Philistines with a donkey’s jawbone.

A donkey’s jawbone.

Didn’t they hear of the incident where he tore a lion with his bare hands?

Watching the Philistines’ determination to take down Samson while failing woefully was very amusing if you ask me.

But things went south the moment he set his eyes on a Philistine lady; Delilah.

Yes, the Delilah.

Unknown to him, she was ordered by the Philistines to get information on his weakness.

She really walked into his life and said;

Whatever magic she had cast upon him and his reasonings worked, for he revealed the source of his strength; his hair.

Samson did let his guard down, and being vulnerable with her led to his temporary downfall.

Despite all that, he still became victorious till his final breath.

I imagine this scenario if he ever saw her with the shears;

You think that was not mind-blowing enough, let’s look at;

Moses and the notorious Israelites (Numbers 11/Exodus 32:1)

I think a handful of people will agree with me when I say that those Israelites were quite...something.

The word “Gratitude” seemed to vanish from their dictionaries the moment they were delivered from the clutches of Egypt. If it wasn’t them complaining about hunger despite being given food, then it was something else.

The constant comparison of their suffering to the one held captive in Egypt was quite infuriating to see, especially when they were granted all that they needed.

What was shocking was their decision to make a golden calf to worship in Moses’ absence.

I mean, Moses left to Mount Sinai to retrieve the ten commandments. He comes back to meet chaos among the Israelites;

That was probably the last straw for him because he threw the tablets on the ground in rage.

Who would blame him?

I can imagine their reaction to his anger like;

In the end, their stubbornness led to their prolonged journey to the promised land. Not even Moses himself stepped foot into the land.

What is your favorite moment in the bible? Let me know in the comments down below!

Don't forget to like and share!

God bless!

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13 comentarios

Chinatu Nduka-Nwosu
Chinatu Nduka-Nwosu
28 ene 2022

This is very interesting.

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22 ene 2022

I enjoyed reading this

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17 ene 2022

Very informative

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17 ene 2022

Intense and organized

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Esther Uwagbale
Esther Uwagbale
17 ene 2022

Nice write up! I enjoyed reading through.

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